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august 17造句

"august 17"是什么意思  
  • The road will be opened to traffic in stages from august 17
  • By ian murray passive smoking linked to strokes tuesday august 17 , 1999
  • Four other men , aged 24 to 38 , dined there on august 17
  • The 37 - year - old man will appear in the eastern magistrates courts tomorrow ( august 17 )
  • Running from august 17 to 20 , the jpc fight crime summer camp attracted over 3 000 jpc members
  • Canola strategic development and fast testing workshop was held in santai county , sichuan province on august 17 , 2005
  • All post offices will open as per normal working hours on august 17 , 2002 to provide a full range of counter services
  • Videoconference between master and disciples at the toronto center , canada and the european retreat in hungary , august 4 august 17 , 2002
  • He hasn ' t lost since august 17 versus baltimore and improved to 7 - 1 lifetime against the devil rays
  • Advance orders for servicing self - provided souvenir covers will be accepted at all post offices from august 17 to 24 , 2002
  • It's difficult to see august 17 in a sentence. 用august 17造句挺难的
  • Police today ( september 21 ) appeal to the public to provide information on a traffic accident that occurred in wan chai on august 17
  • The postcard sets will be available at all post offices and the designated sales outlets from august 17 , 2002 and on subsequent days until stock lasts
  • On the night of august 17 , 1959 , at about 20 minutes before midnight , the ground in the vicinity of yellowstone national park began shaking violently
  • Mr . liu : good morning . this is liu li from china travel agency . i ' d like to book six standard suites for three weeks , beginning from august 17
  • Speech english only delivered by the director of food and environmental hygiene department , mrs rita lau , at the food expo 2000 opening ceremony on august 17
  • The yet - to - be - named male giraffe was born at the zoo august 17 , coming in at a whopping 6 feet 4 inches tall and 158 pounds , and growing
  • The yet - to - be - named male giraffe was born at the zoo august 17 , coming in at a whopping 6 feet 4 inches tall and 158 pounds , and growing
    这只还没有命名的雄性长颈鹿是8月17日在动物园出生,出生时居然就有6英尺4英寸, 158磅重,并且还在成长中。
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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